거두절미 결론:
10월 8일자 개발자 뉴스 탑재기사 목록.
- GPU 가속 계층적 DBSCAN with RAPIDS cuML – 미래로 돌아가자
- 엣지 AI의 미래는 클라우드 네이티브
- GPU 메모리 초과 가입 성능 향상
- AI 모델이 COVID-19 퇴치를 위한 약물 시너지를 예측하다
- GTC Fall'21: 인공지능과 딥러닝의 Can't-Miss Sessions
- 이제 NVIDIA CloudXR이 VMware Workspace One XR 허브에 통합
- 엣지 컴퓨팅: 보안 설계자를 위한 고려 사항
- 메트로폴리스 스포트라이트: Sighthound, NVIDIA GPU 가속 AI 기술로 교통안전 강화
- 신용 위험 관리를 위한 신뢰할 수 있는 AI 가속화
- MONAI의 혁신적인 연구와 임상 생산의 격차
- 합성 데이터 생성 및 NVIDIA Isaac Sim을 통한 자율 로봇 교육 가속화를 탐구하는 트림블
- 뇌종양 분할 과제에서 1위를 차지한 NVIDIA 데이터 과학자
- AI4Kids 대만, NVIDIA Jetson 나노를 도입하여 AI 학생들에게 영감을 주다
- 포트폴리오 구축을 위한 해석 가능한 머신러닝의 가속화에 관한 연구
- MICCAI 2021의 NVIDIA 리서치
- HugeCTR TensorFlow 임베딩 플러그인을 통한 임베딩 가속화
- 주피터 랩의 GPU 대시보드
- DLSS 연구를 위한 실험모델 탐색 및 테스트
GPU 가속 계층적 DBSCAN with RAPIDS cuML – 미래로 돌아가자
산업 및 과학 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션에 강력하고 실용적인 밀도 기반 클러스터링 방법인 HDBSCAN 알고리즘에 대해 읽어 보십시오.
GPU-Accelerated Hierarchical DBSCAN with RAPIDS cuML – Let’s Get Back To The Future | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Read about the HDBSCAN algorithm, a density-based clustering method that is robust and practical for use in industry and scientific computing applications.
엣지 AI의 미래는 클라우드 네이티브
가속 엣지 AI는 클라우드 네이티브 아키텍처를 사용하여 복원력과 성능을 제공합니다.
The Future of Edge AI is Cloud-Native | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Accelerated edge AI uses cloud-native architecture to deliver resilience and performance.
GPU 메모리 초과 가입 성능 향상
이 게시물에서는 초과 가입 시나리오에 대해 다양한 메모리 액세스 패턴을 강조하는 마이크로 벤치마크의 성능 특성에 대해 자세히 살펴본다.
Improving GPU Memory Oversubscription Performance | NVIDIA Developer Blog
In this post, we dive into the performance characteristics of a micro-benchmark that stresses different memory access patterns for the oversubscription scenario.
AI 모델이 COVID-19 퇴치를 위한 약물 시너지를 예측하다
연구자들은 COVID-19 환자 치료를 위한 최적의 약물 조합을 예측하는 딥 러닝 모델을 개발한다.
AI Model Predicts Drug Synergies for Fighting COVID-19 | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Researchers develop a deep learning model that predicts optimal drug combinations for treating COVID-19 patients.
GTC Fall'21: 인공지능과 딥러닝의 Can't-Miss Sessions
교육, 추론, 프레임워크 및 도구와 같은 주제에 초점을 맞춘 AI 및 딥 러닝 GTC 세션에 지금 등록하십시오.
NVIDIA GTC: Can’t-Miss Sessions in AI and Deep Learning this November | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Register now for AI and deep learning GTC sessions focused on topics such as training, inference, frameworks, and tools.
이제 NVIDIA CloudXR이 VMware Workspace One XR 허브에 통합
기업이 Workspace ONE XR Hub를 통해 XR 스트리밍을 클라우드로 전환하는 데 NVIDIA와 VMware가 어떤 도움을 주고 있는지 알아보십시오.
NVIDIA CloudXR Now Integrated in VMware Workspace ONE XR Hub | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Learn how NVIDIA and VMware are helping enterprises take XR streaming to the cloud with Workspace ONE XR Hub.
엣지 컴퓨팅: 보안 설계자를 위한 고려 사항
조직이 에지 컴퓨팅을 전략에 통합할 때 가장자리에 있는 AI 모델을 보호하기 위해 취해야 할 고려 사항에 대해 알아봅니다.
Edge Computing: Considerations for Security Architects | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Learn about considerations organizations must take to secure AI models at the edge when incorporating edge computing into their strategy.
메트로폴리스 스포트라이트: Sighthound, NVIDIA GPU 가속 AI 기술로 교통안전 강화
사전 교육을 받은 NVIDIA 모델과 젯슨 에지 AI 플랫폼을 사용하여 컴퓨터 비전 혁신자는 덴버에서 판도를 바꾸는 트래픽 관리를 가속화합니다.
Metropolis Spotlight: Sighthound Enhances Traffic Safety with NVIDIA GPU-Accelerated AI Technologies | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Using NVIDIA pretrained models and the Jetson edge AI platform, a computer vision innovator accelerates game-changing traffic management in Denver.
신용 위험 관리를 위한 신뢰할 수 있는 AI 가속화
AI가 만연함에 따라, 정부 기관들은 시민들을 위해 왜 금융 기관들이 소비자에 대해 결정을 내리는지에 대한 투명성을 옹호할 것이다.
Accelerating Trustworthy AI for Credit Risk Management | NVIDIA Developer Blog
As AI becomes prevalent, government agencies will be advocating for citizens for transparency on why financial entities make decisions about consumers.
MONAI의 혁신적인 연구와 임상 생산의 격차
MONAI는 의료 이미징을 위한 새로운 릴리스 및 배포 프레임워크를 발표합니다.
MONAI Bridges the Gap from Innovative Research to Clinical Production | NVIDIA Developer Blog
MONAI announces new releases and deployment framework for medical imaging.
합성 데이터 생성 및 NVIDIA Isaac Sim을 통한 자율 로봇 교육 가속화를 탐구하는 트림블
Trimble이 Omniverse에서 NVIDIA Isaac Sim을 사용하여 합성 데이터 세트를 생성하여 실내 작동 환경에 맞게 로봇을 교육한 방법에 대해 알아보십시오.
Trimble Explores Acceleration of Autonomous Robot Training with Synthetic Data Generation and NVIDIA Isaac Sim | NVIDIA Develope
Learn how Trimble used NVIDIA Isaac Sim on Omniverse to generate synthetic datasets to train a robot for an indoor operating environment.
뇌종양 분할 과제에서 1위를 차지한 NVIDIA 데이터 과학자
NVIDIA 데이터 과학자는 권위 있는 MICCAI 2021에서 뇌종양 분할 검증 단계에서 상위 3위를 차지했습니다.
NVIDIA Data Scientists Take Top Spots in MICCAI 2021 Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge | NVIDIA Developer Blog
NVIDIA data scientists took three of the top spots in a brain tumor segmentation challenge validation phase at the prestigious MICCAI 2021.
AI4Kids 대만, NVIDIA Jetson 나노를 도입하여 AI 학생들에게 영감을 주다
AI4Kids Taiwan은 NVIDIA JetBot 로봇 디자인, 산업 애플리케이션, 모션 컨트롤, NLP 및 신경망을 중심으로 4일간의 수메르 캠프를 개최했다.
AI4Kids Taiwan Inspires AI Students by Introducing NVIDIA Jetson Nano | NVIDIA Developer Blog
AI4Kids Taiwan held a 4-day sumer camp centered around NVIDIA JetBot robot design, industry applications, motion control, NLP, and neural networks.
포트폴리오 구축을 위한 해석 가능한 머신러닝의 가속화에 관한 연구
뮌헨 Re 마켓이 어떻게 해석 가능한 기계 학습을 개발하여 다양한 포트폴리오 구축의 성능을 향상시켰는지 알아보십시오.
Accelerating Interpretable Machine Learning for Diversified Portfolio Construction | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Learn how Munich Re markets developed an interpretable machine learning to increase performance on diversified portfolio construction.
NVIDIA는 컨퍼런스에서 여러 논문을 포함하여 MICCAI 2021에서 의료 영상 연구에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.
NVIDIA Research at MICCAI 2021 | NVIDIA Developer Blog
NVIDIA focuses on medical imaging research at MICCAI 2021 with multiple papers at the conference.
HugeCTR TensorFlow 임베딩 플러그인을 통한 임베딩 가속화
NVIDIA Merlin 권장 시스템 프레임워크는 성능이 최대 8배 향상되고 TensorFlow 플러그인으로 사용할 수 있는 최적화된 임베딩 구현을 도입한다.
Accelerating Embedding with the HugeCTR TensorFlow Embedding Plugin | NVIDIA Developer Blog
The NVIDIA Merlin recommendation system framework introduces an optimized embedding implementation that is up to 8x more performant and is available as a TensorFlow plugin.
주피터 랩의 GPU 대시보드
Jupyter Lab의 NVDashboard는 모든 GPU 및 RAPIDS 사용자를 위한 시스템 리소스를 모니터링하여 최적의 성능을 달성할 수 있는 훌륭한 오픈 소스 패키지입니다.
GPU Dashboards in Jupyter Lab | NVIDIA Developer Blog
NVDashboard in Jupyter Lab is a great open-source package to monitor system resources for all GPU and RAPIDS users to achieve optimal performance.
DLSS 연구를 위한 실험모델 탐색 및 테스트
개발자는 딥 러닝 슈퍼 샘플링을 위한 실험적인 AI 모델을 다운로드, 탐색 및 평가하도록 권장된다.
Explore and Test Experimental Models for DLSS Research | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Developers are encouraged to download, explore, and evaluate experimental AI models for Deep Learning Super Sampling.
이하는 원문
GPU-Accelerated Hierarchical DBSCAN with RAPIDS cuML – Let’s Get Back To The Future
Read about the HDBSCAN algorithm, a density-based clustering method that is robust and practical for use in industry and scientific computing applications.
GPU-Accelerated Hierarchical DBSCAN with RAPIDS cuML – Let’s Get Back To The Future | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Read about the HDBSCAN algorithm, a density-based clustering method that is robust and practical for use in industry and scientific computing applications.
The Future of Edge AI is Cloud-Native
Accelerated edge AI uses cloud-native architecture to deliver resilience and performance.
The Future of Edge AI is Cloud-Native | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Accelerated edge AI uses cloud-native architecture to deliver resilience and performance.
Improving GPU Memory Oversubscription Performance
In this post, we dive into the performance characteristics of a micro-benchmark that stresses different memory access patterns for the oversubscription scenario.
Improving GPU Memory Oversubscription Performance | NVIDIA Developer Blog
In this post, we dive into the performance characteristics of a micro-benchmark that stresses different memory access patterns for the oversubscription scenario.
AI Model Predicts Drug Synergies for Fighting COVID-19
Researchers develop a deep learning model that predicts optimal drug combinations for treating COVID-19 patients.
AI Model Predicts Drug Synergies for Fighting COVID-19 | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Researchers develop a deep learning model that predicts optimal drug combinations for treating COVID-19 patients.
GTC Fall’21: Can’t-Miss Sessions in AI and Deep Learning
Register now for AI and deep learning GTC sessions focused on topics such as training, inference, frameworks, and tools.
NVIDIA GTC: Can’t-Miss Sessions in AI and Deep Learning this November | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Register now for AI and deep learning GTC sessions focused on topics such as training, inference, frameworks, and tools.
NVIDIA CloudXR Now Integrated in VMware Workspace ONE XR Hub
Learn how NVIDIA and VMware are helping enterprises take XR streaming to the cloud with Workspace ONE XR Hub
NVIDIA CloudXR Now Integrated in VMware Workspace ONE XR Hub | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Learn how NVIDIA and VMware are helping enterprises take XR streaming to the cloud with Workspace ONE XR Hub.
Edge Computing: Considerations for Security Architects
Learn about considerations organizations must take to secure AI models at the edge when incorporating edge computing into their strategy.
Edge Computing: Considerations for Security Architects | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Learn about considerations organizations must take to secure AI models at the edge when incorporating edge computing into their strategy.
Metropolis Spotlight: Sighthound Enhances Traffic Safety with NVIDIA GPU-Accelerated AI Technologies
Using NVIDIA pretrained models and the Jetson edge AI platform, a computer vision innovator accelerates game-changing traffic management in Denver.
Metropolis Spotlight: Sighthound Enhances Traffic Safety with NVIDIA GPU-Accelerated AI Technologies | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Using NVIDIA pretrained models and the Jetson edge AI platform, a computer vision innovator accelerates game-changing traffic management in Denver.
Accelerating Trustworthy AI for Credit Risk Management
As AI becomes prevalent, government agencies will be advocating for citizens for transparency on why financial entities make decisions about consumers.
Accelerating Trustworthy AI for Credit Risk Management | NVIDIA Developer Blog
As AI becomes prevalent, government agencies will be advocating for citizens for transparency on why financial entities make decisions about consumers.
MONAI Bridges the Gap from Innovative Research to Clinical Production
MONAI announces new releases and deployment framework for medical imaging.
MONAI Bridges the Gap from Innovative Research to Clinical Production | NVIDIA Developer Blog
MONAI announces new releases and deployment framework for medical imaging.
Trimble Explores Acceleration of Autonomous Robot Training with Synthetic Data Generation and NVIDIA Isaac Sim
Learn how Trimble used NVIDIA Isaac Sim on Omniverse to generate synthetic datasets to train a robot for an indoor operating environment.
Trimble Explores Acceleration of Autonomous Robot Training with Synthetic Data Generation and NVIDIA Isaac Sim | NVIDIA Develope
Learn how Trimble used NVIDIA Isaac Sim on Omniverse to generate synthetic datasets to train a robot for an indoor operating environment.
NVIDIA Data Scientists Take Top Spots in MICCAI 2021 Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge
NVIDIA data scientists took three of the top spots in a brain tumor segmentation challenge validation phase at the prestigious MICCAI 2021.
NVIDIA Data Scientists Take Top Spots in MICCAI 2021 Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge | NVIDIA Developer Blog
NVIDIA data scientists took three of the top spots in a brain tumor segmentation challenge validation phase at the prestigious MICCAI 2021.
AI4Kids Taiwan Inspires AI Students by Introducing NVIDIA Jetson Nano
AI4Kids Taiwan held a 4-day sumer camp centered around NVIDIA JetBot robot design, industry applications, motion control, NLP, and neural networks.
AI4Kids Taiwan Inspires AI Students by Introducing NVIDIA Jetson Nano | NVIDIA Developer Blog
AI4Kids Taiwan held a 4-day sumer camp centered around NVIDIA JetBot robot design, industry applications, motion control, NLP, and neural networks.
Accelerating Interpretable Machine Learning for Diversified Portfolio Construction
Learn how Munich Re markets developed an interpretable machine learning to increase performance on diversified portfolio construction.
Accelerating Interpretable Machine Learning for Diversified Portfolio Construction | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Learn how Munich Re markets developed an interpretable machine learning to increase performance on diversified portfolio construction.
NVIDIA Research at MICCAI 2021
NVIDIA focuses on medical imaging research at MICCAI 2021 with multiple papers at the conference.
NVIDIA Research at MICCAI 2021 | NVIDIA Developer Blog
NVIDIA focuses on medical imaging research at MICCAI 2021 with multiple papers at the conference.
Accelerating Embedding with the HugeCTR TensorFlow Embedding Plugin
The NVIDIA Merlin recommendation system framework introduces an optimized embedding implementation that is up to 8x more performant and is available as a TensorFlow plugin.
Accelerating Embedding with the HugeCTR TensorFlow Embedding Plugin | NVIDIA Developer Blog
The NVIDIA Merlin recommendation system framework introduces an optimized embedding implementation that is up to 8x more performant and is available as a TensorFlow plugin.
GPU Dashboards in Jupyter Lab
NVDashboard in Jupyter Lab is a great open-source package to monitor system resources for all GPU and RAPIDS users to achieve optimal performance.
GPU Dashboards in Jupyter Lab | NVIDIA Developer Blog
NVDashboard in Jupyter Lab is a great open-source package to monitor system resources for all GPU and RAPIDS users to achieve optimal performance.
Explore and Test Experimental Models for DLSS Research
Developers are encouraged to download, explore, and evaluate experimental AI models for Deep Learning Super Sampling.
Explore and Test Experimental Models for DLSS Research | NVIDIA Developer Blog
Developers are encouraged to download, explore, and evaluate experimental AI models for Deep Learning Super Sampling.